Bunco ScoreSheets - 1 Tablet
Product Description
Save yourself from the last minute rushing around and trying to come up with all the last details for your Bunco night. Buy the scorecards already printed!
Keep score with these cute, hot-pink, bunco bash score sheet tablets. 1 Pad with cover has 50 sheets per pad. Each score sheet contains room for up to 6 rounds of bunco play to 21.
The Bunco Bash Score Sheets will take care of the score sheet dilemma, leaving you to focus on what is most important, making the food and drinks!
The Bunco Bash score sheets have room to fit all six rounds of rolling on one sheet. Put your name at the top and start rolling away. It’s never easier. The sheets have places to mark your end score for the round, and a place to mark most wins, most losses and most Buncos at the bottom. (You can even make your own additional notes in the margins if you have to!)
Even if you aren’t hosting Bunco night for another month or two, or your group just met, it might be a good idea to order the score sheets ahead of time and just have them ready. How many times have you showed up to one of your bestest friend’s house, only to have them ask you if you know how to make a tally sheet? Doh. If you only had the score cards, right? Save your friend the embarrassment and look like a Bunco Babe who has it all – score cards included!
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